Hi everyone and welcome to our forum. We know that sometimes we've hit a road block on our training routine, nutrition or even just on the motivation to get to the gym. Sometimes we are just looking for new fun ideas just to switch out our workouts. We have created this forum in the hopes that we can help each other with our goals. We want this to be a place where you can share your workouts, healthy meals, snacks or just motivate one other to do our best. A place where we can help new members that are looking to have a healthier life style but never been to a gym or haven't been to a gym in years. Lets keep in mind that we all been there. We were all new to a gym at some point, and we know that feeling of being intimidated by all the people working out, but we were determine to make that change in our life. Now here we are, years later with new goals, new limits to reach, and new dreams to achieve.