1. Only SCAC members can access this forum. Do not let non members use your account.
2. You must create a profile and it has to be verify and approved before getting access to any discussions.
3. Any profanity, rude comments, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will get you banned from participating in our discussions.
4. Any harassment or threats to anyone participating in our discussions will not be tolerated and will get you banned from the forum.
5. As a member of this forum and a member of South Campus Athletic Club, you take full responsibility for any workouts or healthy meals that you use from this forum. You cannot hold any other member or employees of South Campus Athletic Club responsible for any ideas or suggestions you try. You should always consult with your physician before trying anything from this forum.
6. Any issues or concerns need to be brought to our attention directly. Please use our "contact us" tab to reach management.
7. This forum will be highly monitor for any violations of our rules. If you find that we have missed something please feel free to email us directly.
8. Our Workout Buddy and Racquetball categories are only meant to be used to find someone to workout with or someone to have a friendly racquetball match with. Any other misuse of either one of this categories will get you banned from our forum.
9. Please remember keep this friendly and have fun using the forum.
Thank you